Bognor Regis Pier

Bognor Regis pier looking west

Bognor Regis pier looking west

Bognor Regis pier looking north east

Bognor Regis pier looking north east

Bognor Regis pier at sunset

Bognor Regis pier at sunset

Bognor Regis pier fish and chips and Ice cream parlour

Bognor Regis pier fish and chips and Ice cream parlour

Bognor Regis pier Neptunes amusements

Bognor Regis pier Neptunes amusements

Bognor Regis pier looking west
Bognor Regis pier looking north east
Bognor Regis pier at sunset
Bognor Regis pier fish and chips and Ice cream parlour
Bognor Regis pier Neptunes amusements

First opened in 1865, Bognor Regis pier has seen hundreds of thousands of people walk on the Victorian structure to admire the beach views and take in the sea air. Today it still continues to be one of the most visited places in Bognor Regis.

Facilities include:

Find out more about the history of Bognor Pier

Entry onto and into the pier is free. Access to the inside of the pier includes the amusement arcade and sports bar upstairs. The pier is normally open everyday from 10am till 8pm however, during high winds and stormy weather the pier may close.

Bognor Regis Pier, The Esplande, Bognor Regis PO21 1SY

50.78141497279, -0.67607697859405

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